- To be vain of one's rank or place is to show that one is above others. 因自己的地位而觉得了不起的人,则表示他不配有这样的地位。
- She had a right to be vain of it. 她满有理由为它感到骄傲。
- be vain of one's learning 炫耀自已的学问
- Years ago, when I was a boy, you met me, flattered me, and taught me to be vain of my good looks. 多年前,当我还是个孩子的时候,你遇到了我,奉承我,并且教我为自己的姿容感到自豪。
- Hilda is very vain of her learning. 希尔达对自己的学问很自负。
- He was vain of that inflexible squareness of intellect which made him the disagreeable creature that he was. 他理智上的僵硬古板使他成了现在这样难以相处的人,可他以这种方正古板自负。
- He was vain of that unwavering obstinacy which no influence of love or pity had ever been known to bend from its remorseless purpose. 他固执得毫不动摇,从未听说过爱情和同情的影响使他背离残忍的目标,而且他以这种固执自负。
- He' s learning English for the fun of it. 他为了好玩才学习英语的。
- I racked my memory in vain for its counterpart in literature: perhaps you could think of one. 我绞尽脑汁也想不出它在文学中的对等物,也许你可以想出一个。
- He was vain of the negative force of a nature which had never known the weakness of the affections, or the strength which may be born of that very weakness. 他以天性里的消极力量自负,而这种消极力量从来不理解深情厚爱的弱点,也不理解或许正是从这种弱点里产生出来力量。
- He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist. 他梦想有朝一日成为著名的小提琴家。
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案规定了一年的限期。
- A child who could read at the age of one would indeed be a phenomenon. 一个一岁的孩子能阅读,会被认为是个神童。
- A beautiful girl is apt to be vain. 美丽的女郎易趋于虚荣浮华。
- A horoscope for the time of one's birth. 算命天宫图人出生时间的天宫画
- The predominant influence of one state over others. 统治权一国对于他国之支配权力
- A beautiful girl is apt.to be vain. 美丽的女郎易趋于虚荣浮华。
- What 's the aim of one strategy? 战略的目标是什么?
- Let‘ s learn real, normal and fluent English. 让我们学习地道、范、利的英语。
- He's very vain of his abilities. 他对于自己的能力很自负。